Chords and Lyrics for My Country, 'Tis of Thee
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Traditional Music Words by Samuel Francis Smith VERSE 1 G Em Am D My country! 'tis of thee, G Em Am G Em Sweet land of liberty! Am G D G Of thee I sing; Land where my fathers died, D7 Land of the pilgrims' pride, G From ev'ry mountainside C G D7 G Let freedom ring! VERSE 2 G Em Am D My native country, thee, G Em Am G Em Land of the noble free, Am G D G Thy name I love; I love thy rocks and rills, D7 Thy woods and templed hills, G My heart with rapture thrills, C G D7 G Like that above. VERSE 3 G Em Am D Let music swell the breeze, G Em Am G Em And ring from all the trees Am G D G Sweet freedom's song; Let mortal tongues awake; D7 Let all that breathe partake; G Let rocks their silence break, C G D7 G The sound prolong. VERSE 4 G Em Am D Our fathers' God! to thee, G Em Am G Em Author of liberty, Am G D G To Thee we sing; Long may our land be bright, D7 With freedom's holy light, G Protect us by Thy might, C G D7 G Great God, our King.
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Below is a list of all the chords in this song. Click on a chord to learn how to play the chord on a particular instrument.
Instrument | Chords |
Banjo | A Minor C Major D Major D7 E Minor G Major |
Guitar | A Minor C Major D Major D7 E Minor G Major |
Mandolin | A Minor C Major D Major D7 E Minor G Major |
Piano | A Minor C Major D Major D7 E Minor G Major |
Ukulele | A Minor C Major D Major D7 E Minor G Major |
Sheet Music for My Country, 'Tis of Thee
Chords on this page may be simplified from the original version. View the sheet music for this title to see the original chords. The following sheet music is available for this title:
6 Hole Ocarina
12 Hole Ocarina
B-flat Instrument (Lead Sheet)
Banjo (Easy)
Baritone Ukulele (Easy)
Bass Clef (Lead Sheet)
Bass Guitar
Beginner Bass Clef
C Instrument (Lead Sheet)
E-flat Instrument (Lead Sheet)
Guitalele (Easy)
Guitar (Easy)
Kalimba (Easy)
Mandolin (Easy)
Tin Whistle
Ukulele (Easy)
3-String Cigar Box Guitar (Easy)