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Bass Guitar


Sheet music in our Bass Guitar series includes bass guitar tablature and standard notation with chord symbols.

What Is Included

Music in our Bass Guitar series includes:

  • Melody in notation and bass guitar tablature
  • Lyrics if the original music includes words
  • Chord symbols above the music

Required Skills

  • Reading bass guitar tablature - You will also benefit from the ability to read standard notation to ensure you play the rhythms correctly.
  • Playing notes higher on the neck - Some music is arranged higher on the neck due to including notes that are only available on higher frets.
  • Ability to move between different positions - Some music requires moving between two or more positions on the neck.


Chord symbols are included above the music. The chords may be simplified slightly to make it easy for guitarists, pianists, or other musicians to accompany you.


We try to include up to 5 or 6 verses of lyrics within the music. Other lyrics may be included as text at the end of the music. Some lyrics may be omitted, but this is usually done only when there are too many verses to easily include all of them (e.g., songs that include dozens of verses).

Lyrics may vary from the version you know. Some songs exist in different versions where each source has substantial differences in lyrics. This is especially true of folk songs, hymns, and songs that are translated from another language. Because of this, it isn't always possible to create a version of the lyrics that is familiar to everyone.


Metronome tempos are editorial suggestions in most cases. Feel free to choose your own tempo.


The difficulty of the music may vary from title to title or based on the type of music. For example, the level of difficulty for hymns is generally fairly easy.