Chords and Lyrics for Do Your Ears Hang Low?
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Traditional Music Traditional Lyrics VERSE 1 G Do your ears hang low? Do they wobble to and fro? Can you tie them in a knot? D7 Can you tie them in a bow? G Can you throw them o'er your shoulder Like a regimental soldier? D7 G Do your ears hang low? VERSE 2 G Do your ears stand high? Do they reach up to the sky? Do they droop when they are wet? D7 Do they stiffen when they're dry? G Can you summon o'er your neighbor With a minimum of labor? D7 G Do your ears stand high? VERSE 3 G Do your ears flip-flop? Can you use them as a mop? Are they stringy at the bottom? D7 Are they curly at the top? G Can you use them for a swatter? Can you use them for a blotter? D7 G Do your ears flip-flop? VERSE 4 G Do your ears stick out? Can you wiggle them about? Can you flap them up and down D7 As you fly around the town? G Can you shut them up for sure When you hear an awful bore? D7 G Do your ears stick out?
More Like This
Below is a list of all the chords in this song. Click on a chord to learn how to play the chord on a particular instrument.
Instrument | Chords |
Banjo | D7 G Major |
Guitar | D7 G Major |
Mandolin | D7 G Major |
Piano | D7 G Major |
Ukulele | D7 G Major |
Sheet Music for Do Your Ears Hang Low?
Chords on this page may be simplified from the original version. View the sheet music for this title to see the original chords. The following sheet music is available for this title:
6 Hole Ocarina
12 Hole Ocarina
B-flat Instrument (Lead Sheet)
Banjo (Easy)
Baritone Ukulele (Easy)
Bass Clef (Lead Sheet)
Bass Guitar
Beginner Bass Clef
C Instrument (Lead Sheet)
E-flat Instrument (Lead Sheet)
Guitalele (Easy)
Guitar (Easy)
Kalimba (Easy)
Mandolin (Easy)
Tin Whistle
Ukulele (Easy)