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Chords and Lyrics for Aloha Oe

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Words and Music by Liliuokalani


        G         C                 G 
Proudly swept the rain cloud by the cliff,

As on it glided through the trees,

      G     C                  G 
Still following with grief the liko,

    C    D7           G 
The ahihilenua of the vale.

    C                 G 
Farewell to thee, farewell to thee,

     D7                                G 
Thou charming one who dwells among the bowers,

    C              G 
One fond embrace before I now depart 

  D7           G 
Until we meet again. 


           G   C                 G 
Thus sweet memories come back to me,

Bringing fresh remembrance of the past,

        G        C             G 
Dearest one, yes thou art mine own,

     C              D7            G 
From thee true love shall never depart.

    C                 G 
Farewell to thee, farewell to thee,

     D7                                G 
Thou charming one who dwells among the bowers,

    C              G 
One fond embrace before I now depart 

  D7           G 
Until we meet again. 


       G        C                 G 
I have seen and watched thy loveliness,

Thou sweet rose of Maunawili,

         G         C                 G 
And 'tis there the birds oft love to dwell,

    C       D7             G 
And sip the honey from thy lips.

    C                 G 
Farewell to thee, farewell to thee,

     D7                                G 
Thou charming one who dwells among the bowers,

    C              G 
One fond embrace before I now depart 

  D7           G 
Until we meet again. 

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Below is a list of all the chords in this song. Click on a chord to learn how to play the chord on a particular instrument.

Instrument Chords
Banjo C Major D7 G Major
Guitar C Major D7 G Major
Mandolin C Major D7 G Major
Piano C Major D7 G Major
Ukulele C Major D7 G Major