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Chords and Lyrics for All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night

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Music by Thomas Tallis
Words by Thomas Ken


G   Dsus4  D  Em    G  C    D    G 
All praise to thee, my God, this night

    Am7 D7  G         C  D7  G 
for all the blessings of the light.

     Am  D   G        Am   D  G 
Keep me, oh, keep me, King of kings,

  Am    D7    Em  G Am   D G 
beneath thine own almighty wings!


G  Dsus4 D   Em    G   C   D    G 
Forgive  me, Lord, for thy dear Son,

    Am7 D7   G      C   D7   G 
the ill that I this day have done,

     Am   D   G        Am   D   G 
that with the world, myself and thee,

   Am  D7 Em     G  Am    D   G 
I, ere I  sleep, at peace may be.


G     Dsus4 D  Em    G    C D   G 
Teach me    to live, that I may dread

    Am7   D7 G      C  D7 G 
the grave as little as my bed,

   Am   D    G         Am D G 
to die, that this vile body may

     Am D7    Em G   Am D  G 
rise glorious at the awful day.


G   Dsus4 D     Em G  C  D    G 
Oh, when  shall I, in endless day,

   Am7 D7 G           C    D7 G 
forev--er chase dark sleep a-way,

    Am    D G         Am D   G 
and hymns divine with angels sing

   Am D7   Em     G   Am   D  G 
in endless praise to thee, my King?


G      Dsus4 D    Em   G   C    D    G 
Praise God,  from whom all blessings flow;

       Am7  D7  G         C    D7 G 
praise him, all creatures here below;

       Am   D G       Am    D  G 
praise him, above, ye heav’nly host;

       Am D7   Em   G   Am D G 
praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.

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Sheet Music for All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night

Chords on this page may be simplified from the original version. View the sheet music for this title to see the original chords. The following sheet music is available for this title: