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Chords and Lyrics for Whence Comes This Rush of Wings

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Traditional Music
Traditional Lyrics


Gm                F       Bb     F 
Whence comes this rush of wings afar,

Gm        F        Gm  Dm A7 Dm 
Following straight the Noel star?

Gm             F        Bb       F 
Birds from the woods in wondrous flight,

Bb             Cm   Gm D7 Gm 
Bethlehem seek this Holy night. 


 Gm          F          Bb      F 
"Tell us, ye birds, why come ye here,

Gm        F  Gm   Dm   A7  Dm 
Into this stable, poor and drear?" 

 Gm           F        Bb      F 
"Hast'ning we seek the newborn King,

Bb               Cm  Gm D7 Gm 
And all our sweetest music bring." 


Gm           F          Bb        F 
Hark how the Greenfinch bears his part,

Gm        F    Gm   Dm A7  Dm 
Philomel, too, with tender heart,

Gm              F     Bb     F 
Chants from her leafy dark retreat,

Bb               Cm Gm D7   Gm 
Re, mi, fa, sol, in accents sweet. 


Gm         F          Bb       F 
Angels and shepherds, birds of the sky,

Gm             F   Gm Dm  A7   Dm 
Come where the Son of God doth lie;

Gm            F          Bb       F 
Christ on the earth with man doth dwell,

Bb                 Cm Gm D7 Gm 
Join in the shout, Noel, Noel. 

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