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Chords and Lyrics for Slumber, My Darling

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Words and Music by Stephen Foster


D           A7           D 
Slumber, my darling, thy mother is near

G            D               E7         A 
Guarding thy dreams from all terror and fear.

D            A7           D 
Sunlight has past and the twilight has gone,

G           D                    A7     D 
Slumber, my darling, the night's coming on.

A7              D              A7                  D 
Sweet visions attend thy sleep fondest, dearest to me,

A7                 D            A      E7         A 
While others their revels keep, I will watch over thee.

D           A7           D 
Slumber, my darling, the birds are at rest,

    G         D           E7            A 
The wandering dews by the flowers are caressed,

D           A7            D 
Slumber, my darling, I'll wrap thee up warm,

    G             D                       A7   D 
And pray that the angels will shield thee from harm.


D           A7            D 
Slumber, my darling, till morn's blushing ray

G             D              E7         A 
Brings to the world the glad tidings of day.

D             A7            D 
Fill the dark void with thy dreamy delight,

G            D                 A7     D 
Slumber, thy mother will guard thee tonight.

A7               D         A7                D 
Thy pillow shall sacred be from all outward alarms;

A7                 D           A        E7       A 
Thou, thou art the world to me in thine innocent charms.

D           A7           D 
Slumber, my darling, the birds are at rest,

    G         D           E7            A 
The wandering dews by the flowers are caressed,

D           A7            D 
Slumber, my darling, I'll wrap thee up warm,

    G             D                       A7   D 
And pray that the angels will shield thee from harm.

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Below is a list of all the chords in this song. Click on a chord to learn how to play the chord on a particular instrument.

Instrument Chords
Banjo A Major A7 D Major E7 G Major
Guitar A Major A7 D Major E7 G Major
Mandolin A Major A7 D Major E7 G Major
Piano A Major A7 D Major E7 G Major
Ukulele A Major A7 D Major E7 G Major