Chords and Lyrics for Jolly Old Saint Nicholas
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Music by James R. Murray Words by Emily Huntington Miller VERSE 1 G D Jolly old Saint Nicholas, Em Bm Lean your ear this way! C G Don't you tell a single soul D What I'm going to say; G D Christmas Eve is coming soon; Em Bm Now you dear old man, C G Whisper what you'll bring to me; D G Tell me if you can. VERSE 2 G D When the clock is striking twelve, Em Bm When I'm first asleep, C G Down the chimney, broad and black, D With your pack you'll creep; G D All the stockings you will find, Em Bm Hanging in a row; C G Mine will be the shortest one; D G You'll be sure to know. VERSE 3 G D Johnny wants a pair of skates; Em Bm Susy wants a dolly; C G Nelly wants a storybook; D She thinks dolls are folly; G D As for me, my little brain, Em Bm Isn't very bright; C G Choose for me, Old Santa Claus, D G What you think is right.
More Like This
Below is a list of all the chords in this song. Click on a chord to learn how to play the chord on a particular instrument.
Instrument | Chords |
Banjo | B Minor C Major D Major E Minor G Major |
Guitar | B Minor C Major D Major E Minor G Major |
Mandolin | B Minor C Major D Major E Minor G Major |
Piano | B Minor C Major D Major E Minor G Major |
Ukulele | B Minor C Major D Major E Minor G Major |
Sheet Music for Jolly Old Saint Nicholas
Chords on this page may be simplified from the original version. View the sheet music for this title to see the original chords. The following sheet music is available for this title:
6 Hole Ocarina
12 Hole Ocarina
B-flat Instrument (Lead Sheet)
Banjo (Easy)
Baritone Ukulele (Easy)
Bass Clef (Lead Sheet)
Bass Guitar
Beginner Bass Clef
C Instrument (Lead Sheet)
E-flat Instrument (Lead Sheet)
Guitalele (Easy)
Guitar (Easy)
Kalimba (Easy)
Mandolin (Easy)
Tin Whistle
Ukulele (Easy)
15-Note Tongue Drum