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Chords and Lyrics for Go Tell It on the Mountain

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Music by African-American Spiritual
Words by Traditional (Refrain), and John W. Work, Jr. (Verses)


G  C              G        D7                 G 
Go tell it on the mountain over the hills and everywhere.

   C              G   Em        C     D7        G 
Go tell it on the mountain that Jesus Christ is born.

                                    Em      D7               G 
While shepherds kept their watching___ O'er silent flocks by night;

                              Em       A7           D7 
Behold throughout the heavens___ there shone a holy light.

G  C              G        D7                 G 
Go tell it on the mountain over the hills and everywhere.

   C              G   Em        C     D7        G 
Go tell it on the mountain that Jesus Christ is born. 


G  C              G        D7                 G 
Go tell it on the mountain over the hills and everywhere.

   C              G   Em        C     D7        G 
Go tell it on the mountain that Jesus Christ is born. 

                                   Em      D7            G 
The shepherds feared and trembled,___ When lo! above the earth 

                          Em      A7                   D7 
Rang out the angel chorus___ That hailed our Saviour's birth.

G  C              G        D7                 G 
Go tell it on the mountain over the hills and everywhere.

   C              G   Em        C     D7        G 
Go tell it on the mountain that Jesus Christ is born. 


G  C              G        D7                 G 
Go tell it on the mountain over the hills and everywhere.

   C              G   Em        C     D7        G 
Go tell it on the mountain that Jesus Christ is born. 

                       Em     D7                G 
Down in a lowly manger___ The humble Christ was born;

                           Em      A7                D7 
And God sent out salvation___ That blessed Christmas morn.

G  C              G        D7                 G 
Go tell it on the mountain over the hills and everywhere.

   C              G   Em        C     D7        G 
Go tell it on the mountain that Jesus Christ is born. 

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Below is a list of all the chords in this song. Click on a chord to learn how to play the chord on a particular instrument.

Instrument Chords
Banjo A7 C Major D7 E Minor G Major
Guitar A7 C Major D7 E Minor G Major
Mandolin A7 C Major D7 E Minor G Major
Piano A7 C Major D7 E Minor G Major
Ukulele A7 C Major D7 E Minor G Major