Chords and Lyrics for Come, Ye Faithful, Raise the Strain
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Music by Johann Horn Words by St. John of Damascus (Translated by John Mason Neale) Tune: GAUDEAMUS PARITER VERSE 1 G D Em D G Come, you faithful, raise the strain C D C G Dsus4 D G of triumphant glad----ness! D Em D G God has brought his Is-rael C D C G Dsus4 D G into joy from sad-----ness; C D C G D loosed from Pharaoh's bitter yoke G Am G D Asus4 A D Jacob's sons and daugh---ters; Em D Em D G led them with unmoistened foot C G C G C D G through the Red Sea wa---ters. VERSE 2 G D Em D G 'Tis the spring of souls today: C D C G Dsus4 D G Christ has burst his pris----on, D Em D G and from three days' sleep in death C D C G Dsus4 D G as a sun has ris-----en. C D C G D All the winter of our sins, G Am G D Asus4 A D long and dark, is fly-----ing Em D Em D G from the Light, to whom we give C G C G C D G laud and praise undy---ing. VERSE 3 G D Em D G Now the queen of seasons, bright C D C G Dsus4 D G with the day of splen---dor, D Em D G with the royal feast of feasts, C D C G Dsus4 D G comes its joy to ren-----der; C D C G D comes to glad Jerusalem, G Am G D Asus4 A D who with true affec-----tion Em D Em D G welcomes in unwearied strains C G C G C D G Jesus' resurrec---tion. VERSE 4 G D Em D G Neither could the gates of death, C D C G Dsus4 D G nor the tomb's dark por-----tal, D Em D G nor the watchers, nor the seal C D C G Dsus4 D G hold him as a mor-----tal: C D C G D for today among his own G Am G D Asus4 A D Christ appears, bestow----ing Em D Em D G lasting peace which ev-ermore C G C G C D G passes human know---ing. VERSE 5 G D Em D G "Alleluia!" now we cry C D C G Dsus4 D G to our King immor-----tal, D Em D G who triumphant burst the bars C D C G Dsus4 D G of the tomb's dark por-----tal; C D C G D "alleluia! with the Son, G Am G D Asus4 A D God the Father prais---ing; Em D Em D G "alleluia!" yet again C G C G C D G to the Spirit rais---ing.
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Below is a list of all the chords in this song. Click on a chord to learn how to play the chord on a particular instrument.
Instrument | Chords |
Banjo | A Major A Minor Asus4 C Major D Major Dsus4 E Minor G Major |
Guitar | A Major A Minor Asus4 C Major D Major Dsus4 E Minor G Major |
Mandolin | A Major A Minor Asus4 C Major D Major Dsus4 E Minor G Major |
Piano | A Major A Minor Asus4 C Major D Major Dsus4 E Minor G Major |
Ukulele | A Major A Minor Asus4 C Major D Major Dsus4 E Minor G Major |
Sheet Music for Come, Ye Faithful, Raise the Strain
Chords on this page may be simplified from the original version. View the sheet music for this title to see the original chords. The following sheet music is available for this title: