Chords and Lyrics for Come Thou Long-Expected Jesus
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Music by Rowland Hugh Prichard Words by Charles Wesley VERSE 1 G D G D7 G D Em D Come thou long expected Je---sus, G D7 G Am Em D G Born to set thy peo---ple free; D G D7 G D Em D From our fears and sins release___ us, G D7 G Am Em D G Let us find our rest___ in thee. Bm Em Am Em Am D7 Em7 D7 Israel's strength___ and consola---tion, G Em Am Bm Am C D Hope of all___ the earth thou art; G Em D7 G Em6 D7 C D7 Dear desire of every na---tion, G G7 C G C G D7 G Joy of eve---ry longing heart. VERSE 2 G D G D7 G D Em D Born thy people to deliv---er, G D7 G Am Em D G Born a child and yet___ a King, D G D7 G D Em D Born to reign in us forev---er, G D7 G Am Em D G Now thy gracious king---dom bring. Bm Em Am Em Am D7 Em7 D7 By thine own___ eternal spir---it G Em Am Bm Am C D Rule in all___ our hearts alone; G Em D7 G Em6 D7 C D7 By thine all sufficient mer---it, G G7 C G C G D7 G Raise us to___ thy glorious throne.
More Like This
Below is a list of all the chords in this song. Click on a chord to learn how to play the chord on a particular instrument.
Instrument | Chords |
Banjo | A Minor B Minor C Major D Major D7 E Minor Em6 Em7 G Major G7 |
Guitar | A Minor B Minor C Major D Major D7 E Minor Em6 Em7 G Major G7 |
Mandolin | A Minor B Minor C Major D Major D7 E Minor Em6 Em7 G Major G7 |
Piano | A Minor B Minor C Major D Major D7 E Minor Em6 Em7 G Major G7 |
Ukulele | A Minor B Minor C Major D Major D7 E Minor Em6 Em7 G Major G7 |
Sheet Music for Come Thou Long-Expected Jesus
Chords on this page may be simplified from the original version. View the sheet music for this title to see the original chords. The following sheet music is available for this title:
6 Hole Ocarina
12 Hole Ocarina
B-flat Instrument (Lead Sheet)
Banjo (Easy)
Baritone Ukulele (Easy)
Bass Clef (Lead Sheet)
Bass Guitar
Beginner Bass Clef
C Instrument (Lead Sheet)
E-flat Instrument (Lead Sheet)
Guitalele (Easy)
Guitar (Easy)
Kalimba (Easy)
Mandolin (Easy)
Tin Whistle
Ukulele (Easy)