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Chords and Lyrics for Come, Thou Almighty King

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Music by Felice de Giardini
Traditional Lyrics


G            Am   D G 
Come, thou almighty King,

            D    G  D 
help us thy name to sing,

help us to praise.

D7          G 
Father, all glorious,

D7          G 
o'er all victorious,

come, and reign over us,

D7         G 
Ancient of Days.


G            Am D    G 
Come, thou incarnate Word,

            D    G D 
gird on thy mighty sword,

our prayer attend.

D7            G 
Come, and thy people bless,

D7           G 
and give thy word success,

spirit of holiness,

D7      G 
on us descend.


G          Am D  G 
Come, Holy Comforter,

           D  G    D 
thy sacred witness bear

in this glad hour.

D7         G 
Thou who almighty art,

D7          G 
now rule in every heart,

and ne'er from us depart,

D7        G 
spirit of pow'r.


G            Am  D  G 
To the great One in Three

        D    G  D 
eternal praises be

hence evermore.

D7            G 
His sov'reign majesty

D7        G 
may we in glory see,

and to eternity

D7        G 
love and adore.

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Below is a list of all the chords in this song. Click on a chord to learn how to play the chord on a particular instrument.

Instrument Chords
Banjo A Minor D Major D7 G Major
Guitar A Minor D Major D7 G Major
Mandolin A Minor D Major D7 G Major
Piano A Minor D Major D7 G Major
Ukulele A Minor D Major D7 G Major

Sheet Music for Come, Thou Almighty King

Chords on this page may be simplified from the original version. View the sheet music for this title to see the original chords. The following sheet music is available for this title: