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Chords and Lyrics for Bonnie Dundee

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Traditional Music
Words by Walter Scott


       G                         C           G 
To the Lords of Convention 'twas Claverhouse spoke,

"Ere the King's crown go down there are crowns to be broke,

   G                       C         G 
So each Cavalier who loves honor and me,

                   D          G 
Let him follow the bonnets of Bonnie Dundee."

Come, fill up my cup, come, fill up my can,

Come saddle my horses, and call out my men,

                C        G7         C 
Unhook the west port and let us gae free,

         G           D          G 
For it's up with the bonnets of Bonnie Dundee.


   G                     C            G 
Dundee he is mounted, he rides up the street,

The bells they ring backward, the drums they are beat,

        G                             C           G 
But the Provost douce man said, "Just e'en let it be,

                     D           G 
For the town is weel rid o' that de'il o' Dundee;"

Come, fill up my cup, come, fill up my can,

Come saddle my horses, and call out my men,

                C        G7         C 
Unhook the west port and let us gae free,

         G           D          G 
For it's up with the bonnets of Bonnie Dundee.


          G                          C            G 
There are hills beyond Pentland, and lands beyond Forth,

If there's lords in the south, there are chiefs in the north;

          G                           C              G 
There are brave Dunnie wassels, three thousand times three,

                       D          G 
Will cry, "Hey for the bonnets of Bonnie Dundee."

Come, fill up my cup, come, fill up my can,

Come saddle my horses, and call out my men,

                C        G7         C 
Unhook the west port and let us gae free,

         G           D          G 
For it's up with the bonnets of Bonnie Dundee.


      G                        C           G 
Then awa' to the hills, to the lea, to the rocks,

Ere I own a usurper I'll crouch wi' the fox;

    G                           C             G 
And tremble false Whigs, in the midst of your glee,

                    D          G 
Ye hae nae seen the last o' my bonnets and me.

Come, fill up my cup, come, fill up my can,

Come saddle my horses, and call out my men,

                C        G7         C 
Unhook the west port and let us gae free,

         G           D          G 
For it's up with the bonnets of Bonnie Dundee.

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Below is a list of all the chords in this song. Click on a chord to learn how to play the chord on a particular instrument.

Instrument Chords
Banjo C Major D Major G Major G7
Guitar C Major D Major G Major G7
Mandolin C Major D Major G Major G7
Piano C Major D Major G Major G7
Ukulele C Major D Major G Major G7